
Workshop of Conflict Prevention Management and Resolution (CPMR) Grassroots Cross-Border Platforms Cluster II & III (Kenya & Ethiopia) 13th to 15th October 2015
Authors: CEWARN and RPLRP
Date: 2015
Type: Report
This report covers the proceedings and outcomes of a workshop whose objectives were to establish cross border grassroots CPMR platform for Cluster 2 & 3 of RPLRP in order to coordinate cross-border conflict prevention, management and resolution initiatives; and to improve the capacities of local communities promptly and effectively respond to violent or non-violent conflicts through discussion and regular dialogue.
The workshop resolved to: (1) Plan and conduct grass-roots, cross boarder CPMR platform meeting for Cluster 1 (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda); (2) Develop standard TOR for all clusters and convene validation workshop at the regional level for all clusters; (3) Prepare annual budget for operationalising CPMR platforms at all levels; (4) Assess capacity gaps to conduct necessary training for platform members; and (5) Organize training based on capacity assessment
Resource file: CPMR_Platform_Moyale_meetingReport_DTW (1)