Final Report on Capacity Development Plan
Authors: UNDP
Date: 2020
Type: Report
This Capacity Development Plan was produced in the framework of the EU co-financed project “Support for Effective Cooperation and Coordination of Cross-border Initiatives”, implemented jointly by UNDP, IGAD and UNEP in three Clusters located at the border between Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. In this framework, the report provides a training proposal to address the priority capacity gaps identified in a Capacity Gaps Assessment produced under the same project. The training proposal focuses on the following areas: stakeholders’ engagement; conflict sensitive needs assessments; data research, management and analysis; project design and formulation; strategic planning; SWOT analysis; planning for disaster and crisis response; facilitators for moderating dialogues; monitoring & evaluation. Also, the report provides recommendations for the implementation of an effective capacity development plan.
Resource file: Capacity Development Plan_Final Report_Antoine Mansour_3.2