As part of IDMC’s investment in more systematic monitoring of national and global efforts to reduce the risk, scale and negative impacts of internal displacement, the Global Repository of Good Practices provides a platform to compile, share and evaluate policies and programmatic approaches to support better solutions for internally displaced people worldwide.
The IGAD-FAO partnership programme is a cross-border programme in the Mandera triangle, a geographical region of Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia. With livestock representing an important source of livelihoods in this drought-affected region, one of the project’s priorities was to facilitate the production and storage of fodder to feed livestock during periods of drought.
The project also sought to build the resilience of communities and promote food security by increasing productive capacity of agricultural land. Coupled with training on farming techniques, this included the provision of agricultural inputs such as tractors, tools, seeds, and fertilisers. Finally, the project increased communities’ access to natural resources, and specifically water, by constructing irrigation canals and providing water pumps. “We have received a lot of support in terms of livestock and farming. We got what we really wanted like tractors, hay store, pipes for water supply, motors for water pump, seedlings, fertilisers and chemicals to kill weeds and animal insects,” said a community leader in Khalalio, another of the project sites in Kenya.