Project Name Regional Approaches for Sustainable Conflict Management and Integration (RASMI)
Start – End dates December 2017 – December 2020
Project Location Mandera country, Kenya, Gedo region in Somalia and Dolo in the Somali region of Ethiopia
Cross-border Cluster To be confirmed
☒PIA 1: Natural resources and environment management

☐PIA 2: Market access, trade, and financial services

☐PIA 3: Livelihoods support and basic social services

☐PIA 4 : Disaster risk management, preparedness, and effective response

☐PIA 5: Research, knowledge management, and technology transfer

☒PIA 6: Conflict prevention, resolution and peacebuilding

☒PIA 7: Coordination, institutional strengthening, and partnerships


Integrated Development Focus (IDF)

Mandera Women for Peace and Development (MWFPD)

Network for Peace and Development (NEPED)

FINANCING SOURCES: European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF)
BUDGET € 3,000,000
The Regional Approaches for Sustainable Conflict Management and Integration (RASMI) project adopts a conflict systems-based approach to promote peace-building, conflict management, and conflict resolution capacity at the community and cross-border levels. It is part of the EU’s program for Collaboration in the Cross-Border areas of the Horn of Africa, providing over 60 million euros of investment to prevent and mitigate the impact of local conflict and to promote economic development and greater resilience in four different cross-border regions.

RASMI, which means “reliable” in Somali, targets stakeholders in the Mandera Triangle who are most vulnerable to engaging in conflict, irregular migration, and recruitment into militias and terror groups. These stakeholders include youth, internally displaced people, and pastoralist dropouts and marginalized ethnic groups. At the same time, RASMI engages local government agencies, women, religious leaders, security forces and the private sector – those who have the greatest capacity for managing conflicts and promoting peace.

CONTACTS Regional Team Lead: Yussuf Mohammed Abdullahi ymabdullahi@pactworld.org

Project Manager: Issack Abdirahman IMAbdirahman@pactworld.org

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Posted on

September 2, 2019

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