IGAD-FAO Partnership Program (PP)

Project title:

IGAD-FAO Partnership Program (PP)

Start Date:

June 2016

End Date:

May 2021

Project Location:

Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia Border including selected cross-border locations of Ethiopia (Liben) Kenya (Mandera) and Somalia (Gedo) among ethnic Somalis. The target areas also encompass the Watershed of the Dawa River, which forms part of the Ethiopia- Somalia and Ethiopia- Kenya border.

Cross-border cluster:

IGAD Cluster 3

Priority Intervention areas (PIAs):

PIA 1: Natural resources and environment management PIA 2: Market access, trade and financial services PIA 3 : Livelihoods support and basic social services PIA 6: Conflict prevention, resolution and peace building

Lead Organization:

Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

Collaborating organizations:

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations (FAO)

Financial sources:

Swiss Agency For Development And Cooperation (SDC)

Project description:

IGAD-FAO Partnership Program is designed by IGAD and FAO to bring communities at the center of the cross-border policy and investment discourse and actions, not only as beneficiaries but as key stakeholders defining the agenda of their future. It seeks to enhance the resilience of communities in selected cross border areas coupled with the strengthening of IGAD’s capacity (particularly the specialized institutions) to effectively lead and facilitate interaction among its member states on policy and investments thereby fostering the delivery of cross border resilience. Four key components identified through interaction with various key stakeholders frame the program; Outcome 1: Cross-border communities have enhanced trade opportunities, improved access to natural resources and increased productive capacity, Outcome 2: The regional thematic resilience related policy framework has improved, Outcome 3: Improved evidence-based analysis and information feed into investment decisions, Outcome 4: IGAD specialized institutions are able to more effectively deliver its mandate. IGAD FAO PP Objective is to enhance resilience to drought resulting in improved food and nutrition security of communities and households in ASAL.


Caroline Agosa Kirungu Project Coordinator/ Agroclimatologist IGAD Centre For Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development Kabete Vetlab, Kapenguria road, off Waiyaki way P.O.Box 47824- 00100 caroline.kirungu@igad.int / Paul Opio

FAO Livestock Officer – Resilience Team for East Africa

UN Avenue, Gigiri, Nairobi

United Nations Complex

Block P, Level 3

PO Box: 30470, 00100, GPO



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