Resource Mobilization
Resource Mobilization
The CPPs (Country Programming Papers) and RPP(Regional Programming Paper) are being translated into actual investment projects, often with the support of different Development Partners. Although progress in implementation of the CPPs varies from one IGAD Member State to another, all Member States have been active in developing and funding field projects aimed at building resilience. Many of these projects are beginning to show tangible evidence of success in building resilience and improving the livelihoods of drought-prone communities.
Since 2013, over 1 billion US Dollars have been committed and invested in the execution of IDDRSI projects in different countries. IGAD’s ability to provide a mechanism that harmonizes both regional priorities and development partner support carries great significance especially in circumstances where the Member States have difficulty to attract or absorb funding are grappling with prolonged conflict, or require interventions that extend beyond borders.
Resource Mobilization to Support the Implementation of IDDRSI in the IGAD Region Since 2013