A Compendium of Gender Equality Research and Evidence in the Context of IGAD Program Priorities/Intervention Areas
Authors: Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
Date: 2019
Type: Report
Status: Open Access
This Compendium of gender equality research and evidence has the explicit purpose of informing the policy, programming and operational work of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), as it seeks to implement the IGAD Gender Policy and Strategy Framework for 2012-2020; The IGAD Institutional Gender Policy (2018); and the IGAD Gender Management System (2018). The Compendium aims to enable the IGAD Secretariat and Specialised Offices/Institutions, to systematically and effectively redress demands for the availability and accessibility of data and research evidence highlighting gender inequalities in various contexts.
The compendium is divided into five sections: i) the context and purpose of the compendium; ii) the methodology used to gather, review, analyse and synthesise the evidence; iii) a section on synthesis of the evidence and the implications for gender programming in the IGAD region; iv) a research agenda to be explored for purposes of informing IGAD priority interventions and those of other regional bodies and development partners in the region; and v) the annotated bibliography, which contains the key sources of evidence included in the review, for each of the IGAD priority intervention areas. The annexes include a bibliographic dataset that details in summary the documents that were included in the review; and a concept note on actions for the academia.