
A synthesis report on Management of Rangelands And Diversified Livelihoods In the IGAD Asal region

Authors: ICPAC;
Date: 2020
Type: Report


This study attempts to synthesize the many existing studies and researches, past literature and limited field survey on rangelands management and diversified livelihoods within IGAD region. It looks into the key factors that define rangelands resource management, state of the rangelands in different areas across the IGAD region, alternative use of rangelands, effects of rangelands management, and provides recommendations on what IGAD Member States can do to enhance sustainable rangelands resource management and productivity with view to unlock many of the problems the region is faced with. The study recommends that special focus should be given on the development particularly of water and pasture, as rangelands management should be regional for peace and pastoral development. It also recommends that governments within the region should collaborate and partner to find sustainable solutions including increasing investments in training courses on rangeland management and livelihood diversification.