
Baseline Survey: Building Opportunities for Resilience in the Horn of Africa
Authors: BORESHA
Date: 2018
Type: Report
Status: Open Access
Building Opportunities for Resilience in the Horn of Africa is a multi-country program in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia that is to be implemented for a period of three years with funding from European Union Trust Fund for Africa. The program is being implemented by a consortium of partners namely: Danish Refugee Council (DRC) which is the lead partner, CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg (CARE), World Vision UK (WVUK) and WYG International Limited (WYG). The consortium is united by the overall vision of building resilient communities in the Horn of Africa through cross-border programming. The main aim of the program is to create greater economic and employment opportunities and thereby strengthen resilience of communities. The program seeks to achieve these objectives through the following broad intervention areas: Strengthening cross-border communities’ capacities to identify their own priorities, plan and advocate for measures to help them withstand shocks; Promoting the development of inclusive cross-border environment for livestock and non-livestock trade and business, and fostering private sector opportunities for women and young people; Supporting the equitable and conflict sensitive management of natural resources in the cross-border area.