Ethiopia Country Programming Paper To End Drought Emergencies in The Horn of Africa
Authors: Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Date: 2012
Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing economies in the larger Sub-Saharan Africa. However, the country has high poverty levels in rural areas in both highland and lowland contexts making the country highly vulnerable to a wide range of climate change-induced natural as well as man-made disasters. Through the IGAD IDDRSI program, the country has invented several ways of curbing drought.
This programming paper's objective is tied to Ethiopia's Government 5-year Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) whose over-arching objective in turn is “to radically transform the Ethiopian economy on a path of sustainable growth and development with a target growth of GDP by 14.9% at the end of GTP period (2014).
Resource file: To end drought emergencies in the Horn of Africa-Ethiopia