
Final Report on Capacity Gaps in Needs Assessment and Planning
Authors: UNDP
Date: 2020
Type: Report
This Capacity Gaps in Needs assessment Planning was produced in the framework of the EU co-financed project “Support for Effective Cooperation and Coordination of Cross-border Initiatives”, implemented jointly by UNDP, IGAD and UNEP in three Clusters located at the border between Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. In this framework, the report – based on the findings of a Stakeholders’ Mapping previously conducted under the same project – assesses the technical gaps of stakeholders (both government and CSOs) in the three countries in terms of carrying out assessments and planning for development plans. In this respect, capacity gaps of the Cluster’s stakeholders were analyzed in the following areas: stakeholders’ engagement in the design and implementation of needs assessment and local development planning, needs assessment of local communities, translation of needs into development plans, monitoring & evaluation.
Resource file: Capacity Gaps in Needs assessment Planning_Final Report