
Global Report on Food Crises 2022
Authors: IGAD
Date: 2022
Type: Publications,Report,Study
This fourth IGAD Regional Focus of the Global Report on Food Crises brings to our attention the alarmingly high levels of acute food insecurity and malnutrition in our region. In 2021, nearly 42 million of our brothers and sisters were estimated to be highly food insecure and in need of urgent assistance, surpassing all previous records as reported by both the Global Report on Food Crises and the IGAD Regional Focus. This follows seismic events that saw our biggest challenges shift from the COVID-19 pandemic, as was the case in 2020, to one of the most severe droughts in recent history, in addition to conflict and insecurity in both the Greater Horn of Africa and in Europe.
Since late 2020, four consecutive rainfall seasons have failed – a climatic event not seen in at least the last four decades – causing widespread and persistent drought in southern and southeastern Ethiopia, the arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) of Kenya, and across most of Somalia. The situation is dire.
Resource file: IGAD_RRFC_2022_Full Report