Sudan Country Programming Paper 2019-2024 – Consolidating the Path to Resilience and Sustainability
Authors: Republic of Sudan
Date: 2019
Status: Open Access
The country programming paper (CPP) of Sudan aims to answer essential questions relevant to policy makers at national and regional levels. The country program paper of Sudan CPP was endorsed in 2013 to enter phase one of the IDDRSI. Its implementation indicated the need for revision and improvements because of the appearing issues during phase (1). Accordingly, the CPP has been subjected to revision in phase (2).
The CPP is structured to answer essential questions relevant to policy makers at national and regional levels. In particular, what can be done to reduce or end drought emergencies? That would mean to realize the drastic effect of drought to member states and the communities and extract the policy actions that can overcome the constraints and challenges confronting implementation.
A description of eight priority investment areas provides options for the various societal sectors to contribute to drought disaster resilience sustainably. These options form the core of this paper.
Resource file: CPP SUDAN