
The IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Intiative (IDDRSI) Strategy 2019-2024 The IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Intiative (IDDRSI) Strategy 2019-2024

Authors: IGAD
Date: 2019
Type: Strategy


The IDDRSI Strategy was developed as a 15 - year proposition for implementation in three 5-year phases, with a design feature of a review at the end of each phase to assess the status, relevance and effectiveness of implementation and inform prescriptions for subsequent phases. The first phase of the IDDRSI Strategy spanned the period 2013 – 2017; and its implementation was extensively reviewed, assessed and analysed at regional and national levels, in a broadly participatory process that generated recommendations based on which the IDDRSI Strategy for the period 2019 – 2024 WAS been prepared.
Resource file: IDDRSI STRATEGY