Uganda Country Programming Paper 2019-2024 – Consolidating the Path to Resilience and Sustainability
Authors: Republic of Uganda
Date: 2019
Status: Open Access
The Uganda Country Programming Paper (CPP) is the domestication of the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI). It identifies Uganda’s priority interventions to end drought related emergencies and build resilience in the drylands.
This CPP was revised to take into account lessons from implementation of projects, mid-term review of the CPP and IDDRSI, and emerging issues in the drylands and Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in general. These include migration – resilience nexus, gender and resilience, capacity strengthening for farmers and (agro) pastoralists as well institutions, use of indigenous local structures in peace building, among others.
Resource file: CPP_Uganda_2019