
Value chain analysis on livestock, livestock products and alternative livelihoods in the cross-border area between Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia
Authors: BORESHA
Date: 2018
Type: Report
Status: Open Access
The value chain analysis on livestock, livestock products and alternative livelihoods assessment in the cross border area between Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia was commissioned to provide WYG and BORESHA consortium partners’ with proper understanding of the livestock and livestock products value chains to inform strategy for building self-reliant and resilient pastoral communities in the project area. The findings of this assessment will shed more light on the status and viability of existing and potential markets. The analysis will further determine the value chains that hold promise of employment opportunities, product expansion, market and linkage opportunities, and quality improvement. Results of the study will inform the existing opportunities to promote economic and private sector development and greater resilience in the livestock value chains, with the ultimate aim of achieving self-reliance among the selected communities or individuals through enhanced skills, creation of opportunities for cross border employment and diversified enterprises and livelihoods.