The Gender and Resilience Knowledge Share Fair will focus on how to best mainstream gender adoption towards resilience-building by focusing on the IGAD’s cross-border areas giving specific emphasis on the Karamoja, and Mandera Clusters. In this regard, the share fair...
Seasonal forecast for October, November, December (OND) 2022 The Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum (GHACOF 62) will bring together climate scientists, researchers, users from key socio-economic sectors, governmental and non-governmental organizations,...
The Intergovernmental Agency for Development (IGAD) is hosting its first Blue Economy Conference to raise awareness on the thrust of the Blue Economy among the key stakeholders in its member-states for enhancing of the entrenched process of economic transformation,...
ICPALD and FAO are jointly implementing the IGAD -FAO Partnership Programme on Drought Resilience (IGAD-FAO PP) in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya. The Project Document provides for IGAD grants to community organizations identified through a CMDRR process and whose...
Theme: “Development of Resilience Empowering Alternative Measures for Ethiopian Lowlands” Lowlands are often seen as backward areas, managed through pastoral communities, drought, and flood-prone, dependent on food and water aid. However, these areas have great...