Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in The Horn of Africa (DRSLP)

Project title:
Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme in The Horn of Africa (DRSLP)
Start Date:
End Date:
Project Location:
Djibouti, Ethiopia Kenya, IGAD Secretariat
Cross-border cluster:
Cluster 1 - Karamoja
Priority Intervention areas (PIAs):
PIA1: Natural Resources & Environment Management
PIA 2: Market Access, Trade and Financial Services
PIA 3: Enhanced Production and Livelihood Diversification
PIA 7: Institutional Strengthening, Coordination and Partnerships
Lead Organization:
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
Collaborating organizations:
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock - Kenya
Ministry of Agriculture - Ethiopia
Ministry of Agriculture, Water, Fisheries, Livestock and Marine Resources - Djibouti
Financial sources:
Africa Development Bank
Project description:
The Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program (DRSLP) is a long-term program developed by the African Development Bank and the IGAD Member States to build communities’ resilience to drought and climate change shocks improve their livelihood and promote regional integration in the Horn of Africa. Designed to be implemented in a series of 5-year projects, the program is expected to develop infrastructure for water mobilization and management; and agriculture and livestock production, health and marketing.
The Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program (DRSLP) is a long-term program developed by the African Development Bank and the IGAD Member States to build communities’ resilience to drought and climate change shocks improve their livelihood and promote regional integration in the Horn of Africa. Designed to be implemented in a series of 5-year projects, the program is expected to develop infrastructure for water mobilization and management; and agriculture and livestock production, health and marketing. The first project, DRSLP I, which includes support to the IGAD Secretariat in its coordination role, was approved on 12 December 2012 for a total amount of UA 91.2 million in loans and grants. DRSLP II for a total amount of UA 81.667 million was approved on 26 November 2014. DRSLP III, approved in December 2015, for a total amount of UA 31.176 million, was aimed at scaling up program interventions in Djibouti and Sudan. Implementation of the three projects is now underway in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Sudan. Sudan and Somalia each appointed the IGAD Secretariat to act as its Third Party to receive and administer resources from the African Development Bank as provided for in the second and third projects of DRSLP. A Fund Management Unit was subsequently established at the IGAD Secretariat.
The first project, DRSLP I, which includes support to the IGAD Secretariat in its coordination role, was approved on 12 December 2012 for a total amount of UA 91.2 million in loans and grants. DRSLP II for a total amount of UA 81.667 million was approved on 26 November 2014. DRSLP III, approved in December 2015, for a total amount of UA 31.176 million, was aimed at scaling up program interventions in Djibouti and Sudan. Implementation of the three projects is now underway in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Sudan. Sudan and Somalia each appointed the IGAD Secretariat to act as its Third Party to receive and administer resources from the African Development Bank as provided for in the second and third projects of DRSLP. A Fund Management Unit was subsequently established at the IGAD Secretariat.
The project interventions support activities to rebuild existing livelihoods through investment in natural resources (water, pasture) management, integrated land management and ecosystem restoration and protection and also investment in agricultural and livestock infrastructure, while improving storage, market and transport infrastructure, such as rural roads. The project aims at addressing the root causes of the region’s vulnerability in order to build a medium to long-term resilience against drought, enhance peace building and conflict resolution and equitable utilization of the limited natural resources.
Technical and Human Resource Support was provided to IGAD Secretariat with the technical assistance required to implement the drought resilience initiatives by: (i)Recruitment of technical Staff for Regional Coordination Unit: (ii)Financing studies and the development of supportive policy and legal frameworks at member state and regional levels (iii)Recruitment of additional staff for the relevant divisions and units of IGAD. Institutional Support Support to IGAD Secretariat in terms of logistics: (i)Installation of ICT Infrastructure and enhancing the (water, agriculture ,livestock and NRM) information management systems (ii)Equipment for Regional Coordination Unit, IGAD Secretariat, IGAD divisions and specialized institutions (iii)Regional Coordination Meetings and enhancing linkages with member states and NSAs
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Djibouti: ;
IGAD Secretariat:
Dr. John P. Kabayo - john.kabayo@igad.int

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