
Towards Sustainable Rangeland Management in IGAD Region
Authors: ICPALD
Date: 2020
Type: Policy Brief
This policy brief highlights that rangelands play an important role within the IGAD region.They provide habitats for a diversity of flora and fauna of socio-cultural, environmental and economic significance (home to pastoralists and agro-pastoralist communities).
It also highlights why IGAD region requires a regional rangeland management strategic framework (RRMSF). The RRMSF is required to address the problem of weak linkages and coordination of policies on rangeland development and actions by stakeholders.
It further points out challenges facing rangelands in the IGAD region. These challenges are exacerbated by the advent of climate change and weak policy and legal framework for Rangeland Management. It finally addresses policy actions that are recommended for IGAD Member States and stakeholders to ensure domestication of the RRMSF.