Horn of Africa: Strengthening IGAD’s capacity to enhance drought resilience in the Horn of Africa

Project title:

Horn of Africa: Strengthening IGAD’s capacity to enhance drought resilience in the Horn of Africa

Start Date:


End Date:


Project Location:

IGAD Member States: Djibouti (HQ), Eritrea (currently suspended), Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda

Cross-border cluster:

Cluster 1

Priority Intervention areas (PIAs):

PIA 1: Natural resources and environment management PIA 3: Livelihoods support and basic social services PIA 7: Coordination, institutional strengthening and partnerships PIA 8: Human Capital, Gender and Social Development

Lead Organization:

Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

Collaborating organizations:

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Financial sources:

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ); European Union Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF)

Project description:

The German International Zussamenarbeit (GIZ) supports this approach by strengthening the capacity of IGAD and its Member States to develop adequate, pro-active policies and interventions to build drought disaster resilience. The project works closely with IGAD, its specialised offices, Member States and local authorities throughout the IGAD region in five key intervention areas: 1. Improve internal capacity for IDDRSI support at the IGAD Secretariat and within its institutions 2. Boost IGAD’s capacity to deliver IDDRSI support services and to facilitate Member State implementation of cross-border IDDRSI activities 3. Strengthen specific IGAD capacities for managing natural resources within selected IDDRSI clusters 4. Strengthen peace and security as an integral part of cross-border IDDRSI measures 5. Assist IGAD to build up the basic capacity it needs to deal with the drought resilience-migration nexus.


Bedru Muzein bedru.muzein@giz.de


The development and maintenance of this portal is co-funded by the European Union.

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