Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Project (RPLRP)

Project title:
Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Project (RPLRP)
Start Date:
January 2015
End Date:
December 2019
Project Location:
Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda
Cross-border cluster:
Cluster 1 - Karamoja
Priority Intervention areas (PIAs):
PIA 1: Natural Resources & Environment Management
PIA 2: Market Access, Trade and Financial Services
PIA 3: Enhanced Production and Livelihood Diversification
PIA 4: Disaster Risk Management
PIA 5: Research, Knowledge Management and Technology Transfer
PIA 6: Peace Building, Conflict Prevention and Resolution
PIA 7: Institutional Strengthening, Coordination and Partnerships
Lead Organization:
Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
Collaborating organizations:
Federal Republic of Ethiopia;
Republic of Kenya;
Republic of Uganda
Financial sources:
World Bank
Project description:
Within the IDDRSI framework of action, Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP) seeks to develop regional solutions to challenges faced by pastoralists who reside in the ASALs of Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia, to enhance opportunities for livelihood development available to them. The ecosystems from which pastoralists derive their livelihoods often go beyond national borders as do the livestock market networks that provide them with opportunities for income growth. Seasonal and cross-border mobility is a crucial feature of pastoralism allowing pastoralists to carry out livestock-based livelihoods in the ASALs, to cope with droughts and to manage conflicts over natural resource use. Thus regional approach to the challenges of ASALs is important aspect.
The project objective is to enhance livelihoods resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in cross-border drought prone areas of Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda as well as improve the capacity of these Countries’ governments to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency.
The project implements the following components:
(1) Natural Resources Management: aims at enhancing the sustainable management and secures access of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities at natural resources (water and pasture) with trans-boundary significance.
(2) Market Access and Trade: aims at improving the market access of the agro-pastoralists and pastoralists to the intra-regional and international markets of livestock and livestock products.
(3) Livelihood Support: aims at enhancing the livelihoods of Pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities.
(4) Pastoral Risk Management: aims at enhancing drought-related hazards and preparedness, prevention and response at the national and regional levels.
The RPLRP in each of the three countries and IGAD operate independently but connected at IGAD level providing sense of Regional context of the project. At IGAD the project coordination staff is housed in ICPALD, Nairobi, operating under the Division of Agriculture and Environment. Steering committee consisting of Directors and head of the IGAD specialized institutions (CEWARN, ICPAC and ICPALD) oversight the IGAD RPLRP implementation. Activities under the IGAD RPLRP are executed by staff of CEWARN, ICPAC, ICPALD and IGAD Secretariat as coordinated by RPLRP staff at the coordination unit. (IGAD grant value US$ 5 million).
In Ethiopia RPLRP Project coordination unit, housed within Ministry of Agriculture, and the team is responsible for guiding project execution at Regional state and Woreda levels. The PCU also extend to four Regional States (Oromia, SNNP, Ethiopia Somali and Afar) and 21 woredas. The activities and progresses are also over sighted by Project Steering Committees formed at Federal, Regional State and Woreda levels. (Ethiopia loan value US$ 75 million).
In Kenya the RPLRP Coordination Unit is housed in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. At 14 counties level, project coordination unit staff will lead day to day execution of the project. The project operation and progress is over sighted by steering committee established at National and county levels. (Kenya loan value US$ 77 million).
In Uganda the RPLRP National Coordination Unit is housed in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries. At the district level, the District Project Coordination Unit staff carries out the day to day execution of the project. The project operation and progress is over sighted by a National Steering Committee at Central level and District Technical Committees at District level. (Uganda loan value US$ 40 million).
Additional information:
Regional Coordinator: Dr. Dereje T. Wakjira. Tel +254 726173628
Operation Officer: Ahmed Mohamoud. Tel +254 710939333
Ethiopia Team Leader: Sertse Sebhu. Email: Tel +251 968566887
Kenya Team Leader:James Tendwa . Email: Tel: +254 721363 357 Website:
Uganda Team Leader: Dr. Stephen Kajura Tel+256772517218 Website:

The development and maintenance of this portal is co-funded by the European Union.