Strengthening Coordination and Implementation of IDDRSI

Project title:
Strengthening Coordination and Implementation of IDDRSI (SCII)
Start Date:
End Date:
Project Location:
IGAD region, Mandera
Cross-border cluster:
Priority Intervention areas (PIAs):
PIA 1: Natural resources and environment management
PIA 2: Market access, trade and financial services
PIA 3 : Livelihoods support and basic social services
PIA 4 : Disaster risk management, preparedness and effective response
PIA 5: Research, knowledge management and technology transfer
PIA 6: Conflict prevention, resolution and peace building
PIA 7: Coordination, institutional strengthening and partnership
PIA 8: Human capital, gender and social development
PIA 2: Market access, trade and financial services
PIA 3 : Livelihoods support and basic social services
PIA 4 : Disaster risk management, preparedness and effective response
PIA 5: Research, knowledge management and technology transfer
PIA 6: Conflict prevention, resolution and peace building
PIA 7: Coordination, institutional strengthening and partnership
PIA 8: Human capital, gender and social development
Lead Organization:
Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
Collaborating organizations:
To be confirmed
Financial sources:
Government of Sweden
Project description:
Building on the on-going support from Sweden and other development partners; and with the benefit of the experiences and lessons learnt from implementation of the first phase of the IDDRSI Strategy (2013 – 2018), the IGAD Secretariat will use the proposed project to consolidate its work in the promotion and coordination of resilience-building activities in the IGAD region by focusing on the following areas:
(a) Optimising the implementation of IDDRSI: This aims at mainstreaming CPP elements in the National Development Plan, improved coordination of regional platform, and improved governance of CPPs at national and sub-national levels.
(b) Scaling up resilience-enhancing technologies and innovations in cross-border areas: This will be achieved through multi-stakeholders and policy dialogues.
(c) Gender mainstreaming, capacity development and partnership needed to achieve the objectives of IDDRSI: A Gender and Resilience Working Group will be established to facilitate mainstreaming of gender across IDDRSI PIAs, basing on findings from gender analysis of RPP and CPPs conducted in 2016. Capacity development will focus on Member States M&E strengthening and staff support to IGAD. Furthermore, inclusive partnerships with regional, continental and global resilience actors will be established.
d) Improving the IGAD’s capacity to monitor, analyse and evaluate the process of attaining resilience-enhancement. This refers to capacities relating to food security, nutrition and resilience information systems and institutional framework at regional and national level improved. Furthermore, climate information on rainfall seasons disseminated at Regional Climate Outlook Forums.
Tesfaye Beshah
Regional Programming Coordinator
IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI)

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