Build Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security in the Horn of Africa (BREFONS)

Project title:
Build Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security in the Horn of Africa (BREFONS)
Start Date:
End Date:
Project Location:
Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and South Sudan
Cross-border cluster:
Cluster 1, Cluster 2, and Cluster 3
Priority Intervention areas (PIAs):
PIA 1 and PIA 5
Lead Organization:
Collaborating organizations:
Financial sources:
African Development Bank (AFDB)
Project description:
Program objectives:
BREFONS’s principal goal is to build resilience to food and nutrition insecurity in the project intervention areas in the Horn of Africa. The program will lead to improvement in the living conditions of women, youth, and the population in general. BREFONS’s specific objective is to build resilience to food insecurity and climate change by enabling participating countries to: (i) increase agropastoral productivity and production systems in cross-border areas in the IGAD region (the regional clusters); (ii) make agropastoral value chains more competitive, thereby ultimately boosting trade and incomes; and (iii) enhance populations’ adaptive capacity so that people can better prepare for and manage climate change, climate risks, and climate variations.
IGAD Secretariate,
IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiate (IDDRSI)
Regional Programing Coordinator
Dr. Tesfaye Beshah

The development and maintenance of this portal is co-funded by the European Union.