The Support for Effective Cooperation and Coordination of the Cross-border Initiatives in Southwest Ethiopia-Northwest Kenya, Marsabit-Borana and Dawa, and Kenya-Somalia-Ethiopia (SECCCI)

Project title:

The Support for Effective Cooperation and Coordination of the Cross-border Initiatives in Southwest Ethiopia-Northwest Kenya, Marsabit-Borana and Dawa, and Kenya-Somalia-Ethiopia (SECCCI)

Start Date:


End Date:


Project Location:

Southwest Ethiopia and Northwest Kenya, covering South Omo Zone in Ethiopia, and parts of Turkana and Marsabit Counties in Kenya;
The Kenya-Somalia-Ethiopia border, covering Mandera County in Kenya, Gedo Region in Somalia, and Dolow ado and Dolo bay woredas in the Somali Regional state of Ethiopia;
Marsabit County, Kenya and Borana and Dawa Zones, in Ethiopia.

Cross-border cluster:

Cluster 1, Cluster 2, Cluster 3,

Priority Intervention areas (PIAs):

PIA 1: Natural resources and environment management
PIA 2: Market access, trade and financial services
PIA 3 : Livelihoods support and basic social services
PIA 4 : Disaster risk management, preparedness and effective response
PIA 5: Research, knowledge management and technology transfer
PIA 6: Conflict prevention, resolution and peace building
PIA 7: Coordination, institutional strengthening and partnership

Lead Organization:

Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

United Nations Development Programme RSCA (UNDP-RSCA)

Collaborating organizations:

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Financial sources:

Total resources required: $10,050,311 Total resources allocated: European Union: Euro7,706,082 equivalent to $9,571,724 UNDP TRAC: $358,940 UNEP: $119,647

Project description:

The Support for Effective Cooperation and Coordination of the Cross-border Initiatives in Southwest Ethiopia-Northwest Kenya, Marsabit-Borana and Dawa, and Kenya-Somalia-Ethiopia (SECCCI) Project is being implemented with the following objectives:
· To strengthen regional policy frameworks, structures and protocols for cross-border cooperation between national and local governments, the private sector, civil society and international technical and financial partners in development;
· Capacities of communities, local governments, and civil society to fully engage in processes for development planning and results are built;
.To ensure effective cooperation and coordination, monitoring and evaluation of cross-border initiatives including involvement of relevant national and regional actors in these processes.
The SECCCI project is underpinned by a theory of change which maintains that the complex inter-related challenges of the Horn of Africa require a coordinated response that partially rests upon improved cross-border cooperation. The systematic monitoring and evaluation, capturing and dissemination of good practices and lessons learnt, information sharing and support to networking and coordination of development and implementing partners is anticipated to contribute significantly to the achievement of an adaptive and evidence-based approach to cross-border cooperation.


UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa
Main Bole Road, Olympia roundabout, DRC Street
P.O. Box 60130, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Gezahegn Aboset (DVM,MSc)
IGAD Project Coordinator – Support for Effective Cooperation and Coordination of the Cross border initiatives
P.O. Box 7794 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


The development and maintenance of this portal is co-funded by the European Union.

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